Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Cloning Gel Helps Create Superior Clones!

Appropriate Hydroponics System: The hydroponics systems you choose should be able to hold water quite well because the cutting will take time to form its roots until then it will have less access to water. Therefore, it is advisable to use a medium that can hold water. You can use oasis cubes, rockwool or anything that can provide moisture to your stems; do not use perlite because it is not a suitable medium for cloning.

Amplify’d from hydroponicssystems.co
Most cells in the vegetative part of the plant hold a quality which scientists named as “totipotency”. Because of this property plants are capable to clone themselves. It simply means that plants can transform themselves to any other type of cell in the plant. There are various methods through which plants clone themselves naturally. However, this fact doesn’t make cloning easy for an average hydroponic grower. The cloning phase of your plant needs special attention otherwise even the best cloning gel in the world cannot save your cuttings from turning to dry dead twigs emerging from the medium. Here are few pointers you to need to remember to successfully clone with cloning gels:
Read more at hydroponicssystems.co

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