Monday, January 10, 2011

General Hydroponics Growing can cause trouble

Water - Hydroponic plants facing inadequate supply of water experience slow growth. You'll see a slight "charring" on the tip of the leaves of your hydroponic plants; also, leaves that are close to the base of the plant will turn pale or yellow, and may even fall completely. However, plants that are overwatered will face the problem of rotten roots. This will further cause the hydroponic plants to stop forming fresh and new leaves. And the leaves that do grow will have a darker color with brown or black edges. This may also lead to formation of harmful microorganisms.

Humidity - If you are supplying enough water to your plants the chances of humidity are minimal. But, in very low humidity you may see the leaves of your hydroponic plants have become dry with rough tips of the leaves and your may grow in smaller size; this may result in death of older leaves. And in the environment with excess humidity, you'll see your leaves have become yellow. This have a bad effect on the stems and the development of roots of your hydroponic plants.

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Hydroponics is such a wide concept of growing plants without much effort that there are chances of a lot to go amiss with the available hydroponics systems. That's the reason hydroponic growers have to be very careful in handling their plants, observing their performance, so that they can analyze problem their hydroponic plants are facing and further apply an appropriate solution. The most common problems are caused due to over watering or lack of water; inadequate humidity, temperature or pH levels. Listed below are few reasons why plants face trouble:

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