Sunday, January 30, 2011

General Hydroponics Troubleshooting

With so many factors to take into consideration in general hydroponics growing, a lot can go wrong with any given hydroponic system. That's why every hydroponic grower has to be very vigilant in observing their plants' performance, so they can identify problems and take steps to correct them. Most problems arise from a lack of or too much water, humidity, temperature, or pH problems. Water

Plants that are underwatered in general hydroponics growing will start to grow more slowly. You will also notice "charring" on the tips of your leaves. Leaves located closer to the base of the plant will start to turn pale in color, turn yellow, and may even fall completely off.

Plants that are overwatered will start to experience root rot. This will often cause the plants to stop forming new leaves. Any new leaves that do form will often be much darker than the others, and the edges will turn brown and crack. Overwatering may also cause the formation of unwanted organic material, such as fungi.

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With so many factors to take into consideration in general hydroponics growing, a lot can go wrong with any given hydroponic system. That's why every hydroponic grower has to be very vigilant in observing their plants' performance, so they can identify problems and take steps to correct them. Most problems arise from a lack of or too much water, humidity, temperature, or pH problems.


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